Today I laid on the grass during savasana and gazed at the sunny sky and tree branches over head and I couldn't help but to hear the Doors ringing in my ears "Break on through to the other Side!" When I see these little spring buds trying to enter into the world while the rest of us are still clutching onto our winter coats here in NYC, Toronto, Kripalu, + Beijing where I just journeyed from only weeks ago....I think " No. It's time now!"
These buds know their duty, their truth. Regardless if it's winter weather outside, it's actually spring and they are determined to say what they need to say and live what they are meant to live and keep growing toward the sun. Like us. Yes YOU. and Yes ME.
We are also growing towards the sun....towards the light. In a world that choses to speak in language of Global Warming + Economic Crisis....I SAY NO. Not my language. I turn off the TV. Instead, I break on through to the other side! Instead I say Global Balancing + Economic Realignment. I get to the other side, standing firmly on my own two feet and not only believing but LIVING on that side. How else can we continue to break through together?
Bring your own linen napkins with you wherever you go. Bring your To-Go-Ware, bamboo fork, knife, spoon right inside your Envirosax. Bring your own crazy straw. Your own chopsticks. And YES carry it everywhere and teach others about these alternatives over paper napkins and plastic utensils and throw-away straws. Only this weekend at the Toronto Yoga+Pilates Conference I was introduced Palm Leaf Bio Plates|see photo above | because the vendor serving India fare took it another step and served on these gorgeous plates instead of the styrofoam plates! Why wouldn't you?
So it's already happening. We see this. We are this! We are living on that side. Or are we? That side where the buds are already growing. Where a full moon glows but also knows it will fade away to only return again. A warmer spring season. An abundant summer where we peel off our old winter coats, clean our closets, shed our old skins and know that there is always a new beginning on the other side of an ending.
This past weekend I was in Toronto and student was pulled out of class to find out that an extended family member was killed by a drunk driver. I returned to read an email that my last employer and mentor has been in a NYC hospital since Feb 18th recovering from a malignant brain tumor removal that resulted in a stroke and neural damage that will affect her 3 children and husband's lives forever. I returned home to hear of my 46 yr old girlfriends 48 hours of pushing to give birth to her first born when the doctors years ago told her it was not likely. I returned home and arranged for at-home massages for my mom, her first time ever, and father, a 82 yr old retiree with Parkinson's and it took about 3 days and 20 times of pleading to my father that 15 minutes in a chair would benefit him and show us that he is willing to help himself to be comfortable even when his body is not. That he is willing to push on through to the other side while he is still here with us. Being here now. When he finally said yes! Wow. I broke on through to the other side of my beliefs that you cannot teach an old dog new tricks. YOU CAN!
So I say to you now...what is keeping you from breaking on through to the other side? YOU. YOU. and YOU perhaps? So get out of your own way.
Try this....Get outside. Practice yoga outdoors. Today. Yes today! Experience all the obstacles that are in your way...that you think knocks you off balance because you are used to the perfect wood floor, and the perfect eKo friendly Manduka mat under your feet, and the perfect bamboo yoga clothing on your skin from Be Present or Vyana....and get over yourself. Get past yourself. Get out of your own way. Breathe. Be there. Where is there? Who are you with all these obstacles? What's on the other side my friend?
Are you the one still clinging onto your winter coats? the ones from high school? or the ones of past lovers? or of broken dreams and dried tears? isn't today the time to break on through all that and be right here right now....lying under the sun and appreciating the signs of Spring and the buds blooming "no matter what?" And that you too are the same as those buds?
And for those of you who are already on the other side....please help remind us all of what it's like over there on that side. Smile at us. Help to lift us. Hold doors open for us. Give us a call. Offer to share a ride with us. Send us a short email exulting us of our hidden sparks. And show us the way by being the way and shining the full moon's light our way if we get off track. Remember you were on this side once too.
See you on the other side....Spring in the Northern Hemisphere. And Harvesting in the Southern Hemisphere. Enjoy both sides my friends. And I'll meet you there soon!
Oh...and just as much as you push on through...remember there is an art to being pulled through to the other side too right? Perhaps that is the next blog! Kiss!
Blessings to my friends Ginny in Toronto | Monica Walsh in Westchester NY USA | + Lauren, JJ, + Jaya in Montauk NY USA.
Photo Above, L to R: Frank of Toronto | buying a SIGG bottle to replace that plastic water bottle soon. Me. Melissa B. who hosted me in Toronto. Jennifer Findlay. Owner of 889 Yoga Studio, Toronto.