"Come to the edge, He said. They said: We are afraid. Come to the edge, He said. They came. He pushed them…and they flew." ~ Guillaume Apollinaire
Sri K. Pattabhi Jois, the beloved Guruji of Ashtanga Yoga, died this week at the age of 93 in Mysore, India. He can be credited with carrying along the lineage of T. Krishnamacharya, who is largely regarded as the founder of modern yoga practice. He is one of the most prominent figures in yoga, having taught thousands of students over decades with many of his students among the most well-respected teachers in the West today.
My teacher Shiva Rea also studied with him as an Astanga student for 10 years before evolving into her own true essence as the founder of Prana Flow Yoga.
As we remember and honor Sri P. Jois may we also remember and honor all of our great teachers, of yoga, of life, and of love who have helped us go to the edge and jump give them gratitude for their patience and their true wisdom and foresight as they guided us to the edge, pushed us, and watched our wings expand!
Thank you Shiva for being my teacher. Thank you Sri P. Jois for inspiring Shiva's teachings. And thank you to all my students who hold space for me to share my own true essence of Prana Flow Yoga with you now and for years to come.
I will continue to see you along this magical journey of the Soul Connections Tour
.....Blessings from Amsterdam!
.....Blessings to the students of Munich, Germany + Sofia Bulgaria! What an honor to be a part of your lives...your hearts!
In Love As Love With Love,
Photo by Bill Tipper | Yoga Photographer | billtipper.com